A compassionate person acts on behalf of everyone’s right to life. Material simplicity gives one an abundance to share. A sense of equality is, paradoxically, one’s true greatness
It is a mistake to consider a person whose only interest is self-interest as either caring or courageous. It is a mistake to rationalize that excessive consumption contributes to the well-being of others by giving them employment. It is a mistake to imagine that a person who acts immodestly or in a superior way is, in fact, a genuinely superior person These are all egocentric behaviors. They isolate a person from the common ground of existence. They produce rigidity and death Compassion, sharing, and equality, on the other hand, sustain life. This is because we are all one. When I care for you, I enhance the harmonious energy of the whole. And that is life As one grows, one continues to learn and to unlearn, replacing old ideas with new ones and reclaiming others that had been cast aside. One may welcome this flow of information that will nourish and replenish one as one becomes more fully oneself. If one practices openness, one may find it possible to adjust to change with less stress, strain and struggle.
"To keep our faces toward change and behave like free spirits in the presence of fate is strength undefeatable." - Helen Keller, American author, disability rights advocate, political activist and lecturer We are all of us exceedingly complex creatures and do ourselves a service in regarding ourselves as complex. Otherwise, we live in a dream world of non-existent, simplistic black-and-white notions which simply do not apply to life.
- Theodore Isaac Rubin, American Psychiatrist and Author Loving the self makes one loving. Accepting the way makes one accepting. When one has no preconceived expectations, one will open to the beauty of grace. Brilliant inner beauty is like a magnet others cannot resist.
- Tao Te Ching The potential maturity of the human species is that we will discover and implement ways of living on earth that are sane and sustainable, and this will be a result of our “growing up” into the full humanity of our consciousness and consequent behavior
There is no other solution to the problems we face as a species now We have created these problems and we need now to solve them through worldwide collaboration and community that embraces our differences and affirms the underlying unity of our living on earth together The future and our fate are truly our responsibility and we have the potential wisdom and power and love to make the earth habitable and healthy for the coming generations Each of us has a part to play and a gift to give - Thomas Yeomans, Ph.D., founder and director of the Concord Institute |
October 2024